Well hey there! Welcome to “Sa’alouni El Nas” which is named after one of my favorite Fairuz songs and literally translates to “the people asked me” (whether the people asked me to do anything is a whole other question).
Each week, I’m going to try to highlight stories, articles, interviews, and other interesting reads that I’ve come across that have to do with issues and topics that are personal to me. You’ll see a lot on Lebanon (because that’s very top of mind for me right now), stories about the Middle East and North Africa, the diaspora community, general music and culture features, and other dope content that should be shared.
I’m also a DJ on the side, so with all of that I’m also going to highlight some really cool songs and albums that I’ve been vibing to each week. I’ll mainly share content from Middle Eastern and North African artists and Latinx and Hispanic artists (because these days that’s all that I listen to), but I’ll include some other awesome music too.
If you ever have any ideas, music, stories, or anything that you think would be great to highlight, always feel free to reach out to me! Also going to shamelessly make a plug to follow me on Twitter if you want to get in touch!
If you’re interested, subscribe below and tell your friends!